personal brand worksheet

 1. i am most passionate about my faith, staying active, and my mental well being. my faith is something that I have taken seriously from a young age and do my best to implement in my daily life. staying active is something that I have been practicing since I could remember. my mental well being is important to me whether its taking 15 minutes a day to write in my journal or having morning tea with no phone or distractions. 

2. I would describe my self was genuine, communicative, open minded, and thoughtful. I do my best to be intentional in my decisions, words and demeanor. 

3. I have had several jobs where I have had to use modern day communication skills. I feel that I pay attention to detail. I try to keep an arm and inviting persona. 

4. I feel that I have a very good way of communicating in time of adversity. I have been told that I have good delivery . I try to make sure that I a not condescending. and that I get my point across without making some one out to be. villain. 

5. Athlete, Christian, Student

communicator, graphic designer, problem solver




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